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This is a pic of the Cardinal Cowboy Studio

"We want to highlight Stars in Our Community!"

This is recording of the Cowboy Judge Show

"We want to highlight Stars in Our Community!"
You may be selected to be on this, our ABC 30 Show, in our "Hollywood Studio"


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Remember that long form sales pages are about relating to your reader. Don't jump right in and start talking about your product.

Instead, tell a story. Write about how things feel. Write about problems, frustrations, experiences, triumphs. Think about a movie or TV series - it's all about the characters and how much you care about them. And you only care about them if you can relate to them.

Trying to sell too soon is the most commonly made mistake - not only on long form sales pages. Even if your page is short and visual, without relating to your customer, you can't make sales.

Also remember that what you're looking at is only a template. Maybe you want to spend more time on the story. Maybe you want to add several more headline + text blocks, to really elaborate and evoke emotions. With Thrive, you can easily do so (just duplicate some of the existing blocks). Let the template inspire you, but don't let it limit you.

Next, we have another section to bring some visual variance to the page:

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    Create a nice list of points here. What are the points about? Anything you want. This could be a summary of the page so far, for example (remember those skimmers?).
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    It could be a list of lessons learned. The conclusions you've come to, on your journey so far. This will make a great segue to starting to present your product.
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    Once you know this, you'll want my product. That's the result you should aim for, with your content. Once your reader understands the story and all the points you've made, they will see that they must have your product (or service, or whatever you're selling).

In this Next Text Block, You Can Start Transitioning to Your Solution...

Here's a small sub-heading for extra emphasis.

Yes, Now it's Finally Time for the Big Reveal - “Your Product Or Service”

Copyright 2019, Cardinal Cowboy