

Below are real results from our Social Media Marketing program. And these results are before it included the Cardinal Cowboy Show on ABC 30. We know that by adding a well known public figure with a world famous TV Network the results will be even better than what you see below.

When you are ready to get started, grab your spot to interview on the Cardinal Cowboy Show. Click Here

Looking for Testimonials from the Cardinal Cowboy Show? Click Here

Testimonials from our Marketing program? Click Here

Tracking your traffic is essential. We use and can implement state of the art tracking methods that report sources like Facebook, LinkedIn, Google (even the keyword they searched to find your business), and much more.

Massive Traffic Results
Here is Real Traffic we created for one of the top businesses of its kind in the World.

Real results from a real client:


Here is an example of a quick 4 Day Campaign we Ran…

421 Clicks and 3,789 Visits… Ummmm… Yeah… We do this for $10 to $30 A DAY…

421 clicks in 4 daysOn top of these clicks our tracking shows that these links are shared between an additional 4 and 8 times…

This creates a total of between
2,105 to 3,789 visits in 4 Days!

COST= $10 to $30 Per Day
Cost Per Visit= $0.01 to $0.06






Real Call Tracking:
We can track calls… But in this case one of our clients tracked us! … This is from a very small campaign but the results were great.
With 97 calls generated in 31 days with a New Campaign that started from scratch, these are real results! You can literally see the days the ads did not run.

Real Reporting From Google Analytics:

See these results after 1 month of driving traffic to a site that already had a decent amount of traffic. Notice a 66.98% increase in Direct Traffic and a 97.27% increase in New Visitors. Now those are proven and tracked results.

This client was used to paying $3.13 Per Click. We have brought new traffic for about 51 Cents Per Click and it will continue to drop!

Increase In Traffic After Using Social Media Automation - GAIT - 6-4-15 - iWebProfit

















Real Reporting From Awstats Standard Web Reporting:
This client used only the our Social Media Program and has generated over 35,000 Visits

New Vendor – New Site Launched May 2015

















Real Clicks on our links that take them to your site:

31 Clicks Per Day GAIT 60 URL Shortener Stats